Monday, April 03, 2006

You're meant for big things

You're meant for big things, yes. But maybe they aren't going to happen today. Or at least, there's nothing you can do to make them happen today. But that doesn't mean they aren't getting closer every day in every way -- it's just that sometimes you can't do much to give them a push. So relax, kick back and let big things come to you. Now's your chance to enjoy a little breather.
I got this from I received it by e-mail. Very encouraging. Haha... Big things doesn't happen in a flash, yes. I just try to do little thing, step by step, hoping someday it'll become big. I'm not doing nothing waiting for the big things come to me. I do something, surely. If it's not becoming big enough just yet, well... maybe someday it'll become big enough and noticable. When you've done enough, the result will come later, then you can wait for it.

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